
  • It is applied for thermal insulation and condensation control on the outer surfaces of ducts and large diameter pipelines in heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • It is recommended to use Al-foil coated products in volumes where radiant heat transfer is possible
  • Using the special adhesive recommended by İzocam, the boards are adhered to the duct surface to be applied.
  • Joints should be glued to ensure tightness, and if necessary, sealed with insulation tape after gluing.
  • Taping should not be so tight as to cause loss of thickness. Self-adhesive boards do not require the use of additional adhesive.
  • The application must be protected against punctures and tears. For applications exposed to sunlight, a protective jacket or protective paint must be used against UV effects.
  • Using the special adhesive recommended by İzocam, the boards are adhered to the duct surface to be applied.
  • Al-foil coated products can be used in sunlit indoor environments without the need for a separate coating against the UV effect.
  • Outdoor applications should be covered within 5 days.


it was founded on 03.01.2023 in Gaziantep. Engineering solutions for steam, fire, water systems.


  • Beylerbeyi, 84027 Nolu Sokak No:11/G, 27000 Şehitkamil/Gaziantep


  • +90 342 502 58 91

  • +90 552 881 97 27

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