Bi-Metallic Steam Trap

A bimetallic condensate stop is a condensate discharge element based on thermostatic operation. Thermostatic condensers provide the discharge of condensate and non-condensing gases from the steam line by following the vapor saturation curve with a constant difference.

These products can be easily used in heavy and sensitive operating conditions and are not affected by ram impacts. It is considered to be the most ideal condenser, especially for hot steam applications.

You can find the answers to questions such as what is a bimetallic condensate, what is it useful for, where are the areas of use and how to install it in this article.


Bimetallic condensate for the answer to the question of what is, first of all, the question of what is bimetal should be answered.

Bimetal refers to an object consisting of two separate metals joined together.

Bimetallic condensate stoppers can also be defined as condensates that perform the discharge of condensate thanks to bimetal plates that work based on thermostatic principles.

It is a type of condenser with a more robust structure and quite resistant to freezing with ram blows.

Bimetallic steam trap The trap works with temperature, so it is one of the thermostatic traps. It is the type whose groove with the most robust design is accepted. With this feature, it is an indispensable element of hot steam applications.

This type of steam trap, which has a compact design, has a high ventilation capacity. It has a fairly good performance against superheated steam.

This trap has quite high thermal efficiency when it is set to discharge the cooled condensate from the bottom. The probability of flashing of subcooled condensate in bimetallic steam traps is minimal.

When its discharge is piped as a free drainage line, it does not require frost protection under sub-zero ambient conditions.

The valve of the condenser also acts as a check valve.



Bimetallic steam traps have application areas such as heaters, steam collectors, main steam line breaks, hot steam lines, tracking lines, drying units, condensate pockets, pressing units, convector heaters, steam jacketed pipes.

The principle of operation is the same as thermostatic condensers.

The function of the bellows in thermostatic condensers is taken by bimetal plates here. The condensate is discharged by means of bimetal plates. This the plates discharge the cooling condensate by following the saturated vapor curve parallel.

The valve connected to the bimetal plates lengthens and shortens according to the steam and condensate temperatures, closes when there is steam in the condensate, opens when there is condensate.


it was founded on 03.01.2023 in Gaziantep. Engineering solutions for steam, fire, water systems.


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